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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Site Build It!

Imagine If ...
... you could build a professional Web site and drive thousands of warm, targeted, open-to-buy visitors to it, every day? Now imagine doing it...

all by yourself, regardless of subject or business

with a simple all-tools-in-one-place process

for less than a dollar a day.

Do you have a particular skill (cartoonist, fitness trainer, copywriter) or passion/knowledge (Siamese cats, chocolate, premium coffees, mountain climbing or sports cars, favorite city or Caribbean island, etc.)? Convert that into a Web site -- the content attracts interested visitors, who in turn generate profits for your new business.Or perhaps you already have a business, online or off? Sell your services and/or products by attracting warm, willing-to-buy visitors.
Let us show you how Site Build It! (SBI!) does it

Will it be easy? No. "Get Rich Quick" is a fraud. This is business. Will it be do-able? Absolutely -- even for Jim, who has zero tech and marketing skills. That is why you need a mentor...

The SBI! Action Guide is much more than a manual. Think of it as a mentor who escorts and advises you, who shows you what e-commerce really is. Upon completion, You will have a site that fires on all four cylinders. His in-demand Content will attract Traffic, targeted visitors who are PREsold by the quality information. Then, and only then, will you be ready to Monetize. And monetize you will! Content Traffic PREsell Monetize... the only way for small business to succeed online. Keep this process in mind as your next click starts the process by brainstorming Content. That's the beginning of the answer to your question...

SBI! Web hosting is high-speed and reliable (redundancy, backups, etc.) of course. And it includes automatic annual renewal of your domain name, unlimited e-mail (with unique Spam 'n Virus Blast It!) and all the usual features of top-notch hosting. But honestly... hosting is hosting nowadays. Any good company can do that well. It's the C T P M process, and all the tools (many of them unique on the Web) to execute it perfectly, that makes your site work. After all, without targeted, PREsold traffic, does your site really exist?

If you're an HTML "pro," use your favorite HTML editor (DreamWeaver, FrontPage, etc.) and graphics program (PhotoShop, etc.) to create your own Look & Feel.

But uh-oh.... you may not be a designer. No HTML or design ability, whatsoever. No problem! SBI! offers cutting-edge through-the-browser design capabilities. You chooses from a wide selection of professional, customizable, ready-to-use templates, uses the built-in tools to add his personal touch, and presto... high-class, fun design!

Sponsored by : Digital Metamorphis

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